Congratulations are in order for the CPB Education Organiser Bill Greenshields who has worked a veritable miracle, giving hope that Marxist-Leninist education may yet be brought to the remaining honest and hardworking political orphans who remain inside that Party rather than joining the mass party of Labour along with everybody else.
As preparation for a CPB “Secretaries’ & Cadres'” meeting an excellent document has been produced on the topic of Dialectical & Historical Materialism. The basis for this “study guide” is J V Stalin’s masterpiece Dialectical and Historical Materialism which provides the student with the most excellent summary of Marxist philosophy available anywhere.
Many activists of Red Youth also read the pamphlet last year in study groups around the country, as part of a study of the book The History of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (Bolsheviks). This excellent book, 500 copies of which have been distributed by the CPGB-ML since last year (For sale £5 to members, £10 to non-members) contains this article of comrade Stalin’s as a section in Chapter 4. The book is also freely available here in PDF form.
We note the remarks in the accompanying introduction from comrade Greenshields “Hopefully, we will focus on discussing the content, rather than various views of the author” and are sure that ideologically cute YCL’ers will see this nod and a wink to “Discussion 2” and the question of how an idealist may approach a controversial political issue.
We believe the material produced by comrade Greenshields is freely available as it was emailed to a Red Youth member in Yorkshire, and in the interests of giving the good work done the widest possible circulation we include it here along with a video presentation by comrade Ranjeet which CPB members may use as consolidation work after what we are sure will be a fruitful and productive study:
Introduction to Dialectical and Historical Materialism
Dialectical and Historical Materialism: Study 1
Dialectical and Historical Materialism: Study 2