Red Youth at CPGB-ML congress

Red Youth play a central role in the 8th Congress of the CPGB-ML

Over a period of five months preparations were made for the 8th Congress of the CPGB-ML. Branches, study circles and regional groups began to undertake the official preparatory work in June and delegates who were entitled to full rights were registered in accordance with the party rules. It was with pride that Red Youth had a number of voting delegates at the Congress, full party members in their own right as well as a number of qualifying candidates who were permitted to attend without vote.

Our red youth were in the forefront in many of the debates on issues directly affecting British youth; housing, education, identity politics, racism and employment rights. Young trade unionists spoke of work they were involved in to reach out to workers in the ‘gig economy’ whilst others spoke about the plight of young unemployed workers, the struggle to get affordable housing, the pernicious influences of identity politics, and the right to education. Motions which were passed will be published alongside select speeches and contributions in the party press in due course. Our red youth acquitted themselves ably in the discussions and demonstrated a high degree of willingness to master the science of Marxism-Leninism during debates on proletarian culture, identity politics, philosophy and economics.

At the close of our Congress many delegates were returning to their regions with plans for improving their local work especially amongst young workers. One delegate has left his employment voluntarily to take up an opportunity organised by the party to undertake significant solidarity work with Korean workers. Our comrade caught a flight to Seoul where he spends this month in solidarity work jointly with the PDP, struggling against imperialism and for the reunification of Korea in meaningful solidarity work, speaking at meetings of workers and taking part in demonstrations against the US military presence in south Korea. A full report of his trip will be found on this site soon.