Articles in the Sunday Telegraph and Daily Express on the 29th August introduce their readers to ‘History Reclaimed’, a group consisting of academic scholars who have set themselves the task of counteracting the current trend for removing references to, or revising drastically the way historical figures associated with slavery, colonialism and racism are presented in society.
The academics behind the organisation are attempting to push back at what they view as ideologically motivated, over zealous gestures that seek to blacken the names of important historical figures without regard to the context of the time they lived in. Continue reading “Reclaiming history is a flawed fight without Marxism”→
A Bloomberg article appeared on the 14th July 2021, with the title “Cuba Protests Fanned by Worst Economic Crisis Since Fall of USSR”.
The article started: “The deepest economic crisis since the collapse of the Soviet Union, a spike in Covid-19 infections, power blackouts and increased use of social media all helped fan discontent with the 62-year-old communist regime.”
“Extra! Extra! Socialist dystopia to follow Covid 19, in a new world order great reset!”… “Stasi State to usher in the dawn of Covid Crisis”
Or so run the bourgeois ‘free press’ or free market run press, as it should be labelled.
From the Telegraph, to the Mail, to the Guardian, all media fingers have been pointing to socialist countries such as Cuba and China as to what Britain should not become in the aftermath of this crisis, despite their superb management of Covid 19 and low death rate compared to capitalist countries such as the U.S.A and Britain.
The lies, the slander, the typical spiel of hypocritical finger pointing is nothing new in Britain. As a matter of fact, as far back as 1915 socialist hero Robert Tressell was pointing out the effectiveness of capitalist media on the working class in his novel ‘The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists”. Continue reading “Under capitalism, ‘individual liberty’ is an illusion for all but the super-rich”→
The West has developed the habit of putting on a pedestal anyone who opposes a political government perceived as threatening. Thus, throughout the 20th century and until the forced dismantling of the USSR, any citizen of the Eastern bloc or of a communist country who criticized his government was immediately elevated to the rank of absolute defender of human rights and infallible representative of individual liberties. Continue reading “When it comes to dissidents, the West deals in double standards”→
Red Youth have organised and taken part in demonstrations in London, outside Downing street, and across the country over the last few days, to tell ‘our’ Prime Minister and the imperialist government she heads up, that British youth and British workers say NO TO HER WAR ON SYRIA!
We don’t buy her lies and propaganda! We say victory to the real democratically elected government of Syria! We say Victory to the Syrian Arab Army! We call for defeat of ‘our’ cowardly British pilots, who took off from their base in occupied Cyprus to fire 4 tomahawk cruise missiles at the Sovereign people of Syria. They deserve to be shot down for their crimes.
This was not a humanitarian mission, it was an illegal and unprovoked attack on the right of a Sovereign people to self-determination. It is just one episode in the long stream of aggressive wars and interventions that Britain under NATO has taken a shameful part in – we say: NOT IN OUR NAME!
Watch footage from the London demonstration, including speeches and interviews from CPGB-ML comrades here:
Well done to everyone who joined us to demonstrate against war in Syria on Friday. Comrades also held demonstrations across the country on Sunday 15 April in Brighton, Bristol, Leeds, and Manchester.
Although touted as a “one-off” strike to chide Assad for the fictional chemical attack in Douma, we know it is in reality one part in a long series of aggressions against not just the Syrian people, but against all nations that dare stand outside the sphere of western imperialism.
Hear what Syrian representative to the United Nations, Dr Bashar Ja’afari, had to say about the illegal strikes against his country here:
We know that, unfortunately, the solution to war is not to be found in a big enough demonstration, a strongly-worded petition, nor the prospect of an ‘anti-war’ government, as no such thing is permissable while we live under the heel of imperialism.
It is clear that a wide section of the British population are becoming increasingly skeptical of the bourgeois government and media. The opportunity to bring our message to workers and point them in the direction of our class enemy has not been so clear in a long time.
Understand imperialism’s drive to war:
If you’re not already active and involved with us, consider becoming a supporter. If you can, make a donation as well. No amount is too small (or large!) and goes solely towards funding party work – publishing our paper Proletarian, printing and distributing political material such as our leaflets and pamphlets, hosting meetings, preparing banners and placards for demonstrations, sending comrades to work with new and existing branches, and many other tasks.
Haringey’s Labour council is planning to give away the land on which a huge number of homes, community facilities, and shops stand to a private developer. The ‘Haringey Development Vehicle’ supposedly a joint venture between the council and the developer, would in reality be a facade for the interests of the private developer.
This policy would lead to a huge loss of genuinely affordable housing in Haringey, and yet more ordinary families being forced out of the borough and away from their family, friends, and jobs.
The Labour council has betrayed the people of Haringey by, for example, promising social rents in public while admitting in private that there is no such guarantee. The Labour party only cares about the interests of the rich, and Labour councils across London and Britain have proven this time and again by slashing social spending and privatising public property and services.
People of Haringey: unite to defeat our enemies in the Labour Party and stop the destruction of our communities!
Following the Women’s March in London on January 21, which drew over 100,000 to protest President Trump’s regressive attitude towards women, February has seen two more protests against the ‘Muslim ban’ which, before being overturned by a federal judge last Friday, blocked anyone from Iraq, Syria, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, or Yemen from entering the US.
Why did the Trump administration pick these seven countries? Is it because the US fears the backlash from indiscriminate bombing, and their tacit support for terrorists groups that can destabilise the US regime’s key opponents in the area? Is it because Trump hates Muslims, but not enough to get in the way of his business interests in other Muslim-majority states?
Police break up the demonstration in Parliament Square
Last weekend saw spontenous demonstrations outside Downing Street and the Grand Connaught Rooms, where Cameron was apologising to the Tory party, attracting several thousand before being broken up by police. These demonstrations came in the wake of revelations that the ruling class (including Cameron) have been – shockingly! – routinely engaged in avoiding paying taxes on their assets. The leak, dubbed the Panama Papers, reveals connections between major banks, heads of state, and government officials the world over with tax avoidance vehicles and shell companies.
Dr Ranjeet Brar speaks at the Balham (Lambeth and SW London) meeting of Keep our NHS Public on the eve of the 6-7 April junior doctors strike.
The meeting was well attended and spirited with lively Q&A sessions from the floor, and contributions from Dr Youssef El-Gingihy, East End GP and author of the influential book ‘How to Dismantle the NHS in Ten Easy Steps’ and John Lister, Health journalist and co-founder of Health Campaigns ‘Together’ and ‘Keep our NHS Public’. We will put these contributions up shortly. Continue reading “Junior Doctors’ Strikes – Keep our NHS Public!”→
As the terrible events in Brussels unfold, with over 30 dead and hundreds injured, our thoughts and sympathies are with the families of those attacked. The messages shared by tens of thousands marching through London and city-centres across the country on Saturday are as relevant and necessary today as they were then.
No to war.
No to racism.
Refugees welcome here!
ISIS and imperialism use the same tactics to divide and subjugate the working classes, from Iraq and Syria to Paris, Brussels, and London. They are happy to foster ignorance and bigotry when it helps them achieve their goals, spinning events to suit their purposes. Just as ISIS cannot exist without barbarism and terror, imperialism cannot function without near-constant wars to destroy, plunder, and grease the wheels of capitalist economy.