Africa Liberation Day – La lutta continua!


We reproduce here the greetings sent by the CPGB-ML to the celebrations for Africa Liberation Day arranged by the AAPRP and Ajamu in London.

“Dear Cde Maxine, comrades of the AAPRP, AJAMU and participants in the celebration of Africa Liberation Day.

I’m sorry I cannot be with you in person today.

Allow me, none the less, to wish you success for the meeting and please pass on our warm fraternal greetings and firm proletarian solidarity from the communist party on this 65th anniversary of African Liberation Day.

Obama’s formation of an Africa Corps, and the renewed determination of the NATO imperialist powers to dominate the continent of Africa, remind us how important it is to mark this occasion, and renew our struggle to rid the world of the scourge of imperialism – the enemy of all working and oppressed people.

At this moment, African workers, like all the oppressed masses of humanity, struggle against aggressive imperialist plunder – whether against the policies of economic domination, IMF ‘restructuring’ and slow starvation, or against policies of political destabilisation and direct military intervention, where the path of independence has been boldly taken.

NATOs genocidal campaign against anti-imperialist Libya, and recent imperialist interventions in Cote D’Ivoire, Mali, and Sierra Leone, and ongoing intrigue and manipulation in other states – Uganda, Rwanda, Egypt, Tunisia, etc. remind us of the truth if these words.

As imperialism’s economic, diplomatic and military might falls on the brave and independent people of Syria, where in the media do we read of USA’s ongoing genocidal proxy war for the plunder of COLTAN (without which silicone valley, the computer and mobile phone industries would grind to a halt) from the long-suffering Congolese people?

These 5 million victims apparently warrant no moral outrage; they are the everyday sacrifice made on the high alter of capitalist profit and highlighting their plight does not serve the imperial strategic agenda.

Imperialism seeks domination, not democracy! Let us never forget it.

Lenin said that the struggle against imperialism would be a sham and a fraud unless inseparably bound up with the struggles for national liberation of the toiling millions of ‘colonial salves’.

In our allegedly post-colonial era, following the fall of the Soviet Union and the renewed aggression and arrogance of Anglo-American imperialism in particular, the pressure of imperialism on its former colonies is greater than ever.

Let us then remember the words of Amilcar Cabral, founder of the PAIGC:

“I should just like to make one last point about solidarity between the international working class movement and our national liberation struggle. There are two alternatives: either we admit that there really is a struggle against imperialism which interests everybody, or we deny it. If, as would seem from all the evidence, imperialism exists and is trying simultaneously to dominate the working class in all the advanced countries and smother the national liberation movements in all the underdeveloped countries, then there is only one enemy against whom we are fighting. If we are fighting together, then I think the main aspect of our solidarity is extremely simple: it is to fight.”

Let us resolve to build unity in our struggle against capitalist imperialism, against neocolonialism, and admit that if a better world is possible, it is OUR duty to forge the means for bringing it into being.

Workers of all countries unite – we have nothing to loose but our chains! We have a world to win!