Celebrate the 93rd Anniversary of the October Revolution!
06 November 2010 (6:00pm onwards)
Saklatvala Hall, Dominion Road, Southall, UB2 5AA
Public meeting
Starting with a short film: Stalin Speech
Joseph Stalin addressing the military parade in Moscow on the 24th anniversary of the October Revolution, when the German fascists army was at the very gates of the city in 1941.
Main speaker: Harpal Brar Chair, Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist-Leninist)
Followed by solidarity messages from fraternal organisations
Cultural programme and food and drink
This Saturday is the 93rd anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution. Lets remember the sacrifices made for humanity, and how it was all made possible by Lenin and the Bolsheviks in 1917! Anti-communist propaganda is reaching new heights in Europe, this leaflet from the CPGB-ML takes to pieces some of the lies peddled on the issue of Katyn, a monumental piece of Nazi propaganda eagerly taken up by todays boss class in films such as Katyn.