Comrades and friends assembled Saturday to listen to Harpal Brar speak on the topic of Imperialism and War at Partick Burgh Halls, Glasgow.
Communists from across Scotland met in Glasgow this Saturday to listen to an excellent presentation from CPGB-ML Chairman Harpal Brar.
Comrade Harpal spoke on the topic of Imperialism and War – particularly important as we reach the centenary of the outbreak of the First World War. Despite the ruling classes’ war propaganda and jingoism, it’s vital that workers (and young people) understand that the war was an inter-imperialist struggle to control colonies – at the expenses of millions of workers’ lives from across Europe, Africa and Asia. A short video excerpt of the speech can be seen below. Any group that would like Harpal to speak on this topic is welcome to send a request to our email address.
A lively discussion followed in which comrades agreed on the necessity of building a workers’ movement free from social democracy at home, and reaffirming our support for anti-imperialist forces abroad – particularly the Syrian Armed Forces and Hezbollah, and the anti-fascist resistance in Donetsk, Lugansk and other parts of ‘eastern Ukraine’.
The event was preceded by a meeting of Glasgow CPGB-ML who worked out plans for expanding the branch and our work in the city. If you’d like to get involved and join the struggle – email