This video was filmed at a meeting held in Southall, west London, in the run-up to Fidel Castro’s 90th birthday. His anniversary was rightly celebrated by the people of Cuba – and is particularly remarkable in view of the literally hundreds of attempts to assassinate him made by US imperialism. After all, Mainland USA lies just 90 miles from the coast of Cuba, and their Navy continue to illegally occupy Guantanamo Bay, on the eastern point of the island.
CPGB-ML Chairman Harpal Brar introduces Cde Jorge Luis Garcia, Councillor of the Cuban Embassy in the UK. In his preliminary remarks, Cde Harpal notes the enduring successes of the Cuban revolution, and that the audacious attack on the Moncada barracks, though unsuccessful in toppling US puppet dictator Fulgencio Batista’s rule, and resulting in several of Castro’s comrades dying and many – including Castro himself – being arrested, none the less served as a basis for the M 26-7 movement in Cuba.
It was this revolutionary guerrilla movement which sparked Cuba’s national liberation struggle, and led to the victorious revolutionary socialist uprising that liberated the island from US domination, and effectively brought the communist movement to the Americas.
Harpal’s comments were well received by the packed meeting, organised to mark the 63rd anniversary of the storming of the Moncada barracks as well as the victory of the Korean people over the aggressive invasion and occupation of their country in 1953.
Comrade Garcia thanked Harpal and the CPGB-ML, and all British progressive workers for their support of Cuba, and in particular their recent contribution to the campaign that ultimately forced the US government to release the Cuban 5, who have recently toured Britain to speak at solidarity meetings.
Cde Garcia also noted that while there is a thawing of relations, and re-establishment of dialogue with the USA – achieved during the lifetime of their commander in chief, Fidel – the Obama administration remains the 11th successive US regime that seeks to overthrow the Cuban revolutionary government, and still maintains the illegal blockade, despite the overwhelming world sentiment, often expressed at the UN, that it must end this criminal action.
Our chief demand must be to demand the lifting of the Blockade, and the removal of US troops from the illegally occupied part of Cuba, and the closing of USA’s torture camp, naval and military base at Guantanamo Bay.
Long Live the Cuban Revolution! Viva Cuba Libre! Hasta La Vitoria Siempre!
All of the speakers contributions at this international solidarity meeting will shortly be made available.
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