Cuban ambassador to the UK, Comrade Teresita Vicente, speaks powerfully at the CPGB-ML meeting to celebrate the 99th anniversary of the Great Socialist October Revolution held in Saklatvala Hall, Southall, West London on 5th November 2016.
Her full speech is now available to view in this video. Please watch and listen carefully to her words, and share her powerful message widely. You could not find a better antidote to the US election campaign!
The meeting, and comrade Teresita’s speech was reported in the Cuban media:
She opened her remarks by saying “Thank you, comrades, for your powerful opening message – with the short film of comrade Stalin addressing the troops [speaking to the Red army at the battle of Moscow on the 24th anniversary of the October Revolution in 1941]”
“We all owe our freedom from fascism to the Soviet Union – not just in the Europe, but in the New World also!”
She went on to discuss the direct impact that the October Revolution had on the founders of the Cuban Communist Party – such as Julio Antonio Mella – and to underscore the importance of the October Revolution for all working people, and therefore humanity as a whole, drawing out the significance of the Communist International’s role in developing the democratic, national liberation and communist movements in Latin America, and Cuba in particular.
“The October Revolution changed the course of history and made it possible for small colonial countries like Cuba to defy imperialism. Without the Soviet Union, the Cuban revolution would not have been possible. The imperialists would have crushed the revolution without even the force of arms. The economic blockade failed because of the Soviet Union.”
“Without the Soviet Union, there would have been no revolution in Cuba… We feel a deep and eternal gratitude to the Soviet Union”
But after the demise of the once glorious USSR, due to the sabotage and wrecking of Khrushchevite revisionism, Cubans, says comrade Teresita, have no intention of giving up their hard-won socialist freedoms!
“The Imperialists anticipated that Cuba could not survive the collapse of the Soviet Union, but Cuba is Socialist – and so we shall remain!”
“Because Cuban Socialism was built by the Cuban People themselves, after a hard fought and heroic struggle!”
The meeting was chaired by Comrade Harpal Brar, and messages of solidarity were also delivered by Comrade Sayakane Sisouvong, Laos’ Ambassador to the UK, Comrade Kim Song Gi, Minister of the Korean Embassy, Comrade Marcus Garcia of the Venezuelan Embassy, and Comrade Dr Indunil Wijenaiaka, a prominent member of Sri-Lanka’s JVP.
Comrade Gerry MacLochlainn, noted Irish Republican soldier and politician, addressed the meeting in a personal capacity, focussing on the relationship between the October Revolution, the international workers’ liberation movement and the Easter Uprising of 1916, which was to herald the coming of an independent Ireland.
Comrade Ranjeet spoke for the CPGB-ML, and the meeting closed with a rousing rendition of the internationale!
Look out for the rest of the speeches, and read a report of the meeting here:
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