Friday 24 June 2011 7.00pm (follow updates at Red Youth News Service]
Marchmont Centre, 62 Marchmont Street, London, WC1N 1AB [nearest tube Russell Square]
CPGB-ML Chairman Harpal Brar and Vice-Chair Ella Rule have this week returned from Libya. They were invited to visit by the Libyan government and come back with a first hand account of the imperialist terror that has been inflicted upon the people. Make sure you come along to hear what they have to say; and be prepared to take the fight into the anti-war movement which has disgraced itself since the Benghazi contras began their Mi5-backed coup attempt.
More Info:
READ: The true face of ‘humanitarian intervention’ in Libya
READ: Libya: the latest victim of imperialist predatory war
STATEMENT: Stop the War Coalition’s dirty role in the criminal war against Libya