We reproduce below the following message from the Communist Youth in Poland who faced challenges this May 1st. We are sure that through ideological struggle, devotion to the principles of marxism leninism and with steely optimism the youth in Poland will be able to defend socialist history and march towards a brighter socialist future in their country. Red Salute to the defenders of truth!
This year’s 1st May march in Wroclaw was different. The Communist Party of Poland was invited by the organizers to take part in the event, however, unexpectedly during the beginning of the march, they were banned from unfolding their flag bearing the communist symbol of the sickle and the hammer. They were shown aggression and some people tried to damage their flags.
Some organizations (like the Union of Labour and the Committee for a Workers’ International) tried to defend our right to carry the symbols of communism, which, we point out, are totally legal in Poland and legally protected as the symbols of the Communist Party.
In spite of this, we were outnumbered by the anti communist aggressors (who like to call themselves the “radical left”). Especially intolerant organizations such as the Young Socialists, the Polish Socialist Party and the anarchists, shouted abuse at us, which we found somewhat strange as one of the anarchists abusing us has been for a long time in a close relationship with the Vice President of the Communist Party of Poland. They jeered and mocked that the Polish communists defend the many gains of Socialist Poland, the good name of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Kim Jong Un and the truth about Hitler’s crime in Katyn.
The members of the Communist Party of Poland, as a sign of protest of such discrimination, marched silently, with their flags folded, through the city, then left the march. They were the only participants in the march that were not allowed to show the symbols of their party.
Along with the growing economical crisis there is growing capitalist (and their political representatives) aggression towards the communist party, the only organization that presents an alternative to the old order.
Komunistyczna Młodzież Polski
Communist Youth of Poland