Saklatvala Hall in Southall was packed on Saturday night as friends and comrades from across the UK gathered to celebrate the 93rd anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution. The British comrades were joined by representatives from the embassies of Peoples China and the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea as well as friends from fraternal parties including the Communist Party of India (Marxist). The meeting was chaired by Ella Rule and the main address was given by CPGB-ML Chairman Harpal Brar. His excellent speech will be available for viewing on youtube shortly, in the meantime you can read a text version of the speech that deals with the falsification of history by the bourgeoisie in the latest issue of Lalkar. The meeting was the perfect preparation for the coming struggles, and an inspiration to the young Marxist Leninists.
Red Youth is the only socialist youth organisation in Britain which proudly upholds the history of the socialist countries and seeks to learn from their rich experience!