Red Youth and CPGB-ML members attended this years Durham Miners Gala and distributed 4,000 copies of our free sheet to trade unionists and workers. Our free sheet declared what is obvious to all but those who wear blinkers “British workers demand Brexit… TWICE!” Despite the desperate efforts of Labour party remoaners the workers at the gala were overwhelmingly in favour of Brexit, and it was great to be amongst and speak with so many comrades and friends who shared our sentiments on this question.
Speaking from the platform, many well-meaning but misled Labour voters were dismayed to hear Jeremy Corbyn insist that a ‘Tory’ no-deal Brexit must be opposed because it threatens jobs. Has the EU protected workers’ jobs for the last forty years they asked each other. Has it stopped capitalist enterprises shedding workers in the quest to maximise their profits? Was it standing in the way of the slow destrution and privatisation of the welfare state before the 2008 financial crisis hit? Has it in any way hindered the vicious austerity that has been cutting Britain’s remaining public services and public-sector jobs to the bone? The economic crisis that is decimating jobs is an inevitable feature of capitalism, and is affecting the entire capitalist global economy; it didn’t arrive on the scene because British workers voted to leave the European Union.