Red Youth Lauched

On Saturday 13 March 2010 comrades and friends from across Britain organised around the Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist – Leninist) met in Birmingham, to formally establish a Leninist organisation for Britain’s youth movement.

The meeting was a great success and attended by comrades from around Britain. The meeting elected a committee to organise the work and a National Organiser to put into effect the decisions of the meeting. The group formally established itself as “Red Youth”, adopted its emblems, rules and aims, and chose the following slogan to guide its work over the next year; “Each one, teach one!”

The meeting was unanimously of the opinion that there did not exist in Britain today a revolutionary youth group. The effects of revisionism and opportunism in the British labour movement have suffocated the revolutionary ideals and potential of the youth. Red Youth hopes to inspire a new generation to enter into the work that so urgently needs undertaking.

Find Red Youth on facebook, visit