Press release of the CJC ( reads:
As young people that we are, our generation is living through a historical regression as for the working conquests obtained after years of struggle. If in times of “ economic fair weather ” the things were already badly for the youth: precarious works, inability to become emancipated because of the price of the flats (the so-called “ real estate bubble ”) and impossible rents … now are worse. Earlier they have been stealing us by means of instability and mortgages (and we do not see a dime and now, when they have got tired of stealing us, they go against our basic rights as working young people. First, with the Plan Bologna, they gave the university to the banking. Thanks to this now we have to pay astronomical prices for studying a master. Then they introduced numerous social clippings that harm the most disadvantaged. Later they approve a labor reform that lows the price of the dismissal and commits an outrage against the collective negotiation. They have already eliminated the help of 426 euros to long-time unemployed people that there have exhausted all the services (labor unemployment and subsidize for unemployment). And now they go for the pensions; they want us going from the center of work (for the one that is not in unemployment) to the morgue. All this directed against the workers and the youth. Since one usually says, whatever happens, you lose, “ it gains the banking ”. And it is going to keep on winning while we do not plant them face, while we do not say to them that they can not play with our righs and that we do not spend to them not a any more.
In view of the future of misery that they want to make us spend, we only can organize ourselves and fight. Because all these measurements against the workers and the youth only could have been approved after years of apathy and absence of struggle. It is with the struggle as the working conquests have been reached. Without it, the banking and the employers order, as it happens now. Thus, every day is more the young people belonging to working families that see that the future is not obtained studying a career or an competitive examination (contrary to what they had promised), the future only is constructed fighting, because in this capitalist system, despite what they try to deny systematically, the social classes exist. On one side, a handful of families that form the oligarchy, on the other the popular sectors. The Spanish oligarchy – with the management of his political representatives – will keep on exploiting the people and especially to the working class and the youth, who are the immense majority of the population; that’s why we can only fight to construct the future that they try to deny to us. And, for fighting, it is necessary to join with the others, because together we are stronger. The CJC we treat to forge this unit.
Next January 27 a general strike is organized in Galicia, Euskal Herria and Catalunya to fight against the social clippings of the badly called socialist government, representative of the employers and the banking, and against the workers. In the rest of the State, if there is no strike, a day of working struggle must be impelled. For the working young people, this is an excellent occasion to demonstrate the government, banking and management, that we do not want the future that they want to impose on us, and that we are not going to allow it. On January 27 we will demonstrate them that we do not spend to them not a any more and that from this date we are going hit them hard.
There is future for the youth, and it is built by fighting!
The only exit from the capitalist crisis is Socialism!
Organize yourself and fight with the CJC!