Comrades in London gathered at the Cuban embassy on Saturday, after learning of the death of Fidel Castro, a beloved friend of oppressed and exploited people across the world, and all those struggling to create a better future.
The sad occassion became an opportunity to celebrate the acheivements of the Cuban people and their Comandante en Jefe, Fidel Castro, with comrades from across the world sharing stories of how Fidel and Cuba inspired and informed their fights for liberation and socialism.
Even though it was late in the evening, the Cuban embassy staff allowed us in to sign the condolence book:
To our Cuban brothers and sisters,
It is with great sadness we hear of the death of Fidel, the legendary leader of your revolution and a great inspiration to all exploited and oppressed peoples everywhere.
We know Fidel as a great comrade and a great leader, and his loss is a tragedy for the world, however we are certain of the resolve of the Cuban people to continue on the path of socialist construction and proletarian internationalism.
¡Hasta la victoria siempre!
¡Socialismo o muerte!
Join us on the 10th December, 5pm, at Saklatvala Hall for our commemoration of Fidel (Facebook event).