On Saturday the 7th September the Wigan Diggers festival came around for its 3rd consecutive year. The festival was set up to celebrate the life of Wigan born Gerrard Winstanley (1609-1676). Last years festival was a great success with around 2000 people attending. The organisers worked hard this year to make it even better than the year before. There was an excellent line up of music, stalls and activities. We got the local community involved; we got a local primary school in which the children created an excellent art piece.
Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist-Leninist) and Red Youth comrades attended this years festival and one of our comrades was involved in the organisation of the festival. We had a stall there which allowed us to speak and have plenty of discussions about recent events with a lot of peoples’ discussions focused around Syria. Plenty of books, leaflets and pamphlets were available on the stall.
Overall we are very pleased with the festival, and we are sure it will grow to become one of the biggest events of its kind in the North West.