The West has developed the habit of putting on a pedestal anyone who opposes a political government perceived as threatening. Thus, throughout the 20th century and until the forced dismantling of the USSR, any citizen of the Eastern bloc or of a communist country who criticized his government was immediately elevated to the rank of absolute defender of human rights and infallible representative of individual liberties. Continue reading “When it comes to dissidents, the West deals in double standards”
Everything Turning Point USA Tells You About Cuba Is A Lie
In February of 2020 a video titled ‘Everything You’ve Ever Seen About Cuba Is A Lie’ was posted to YouTube and made the rounds on various social media platforms. Across these platforms, it has been viewed -at the time of writing this article- around 703,625 times in total. The description of the video outlines its basic premise, in which there is no attempt whatsoever of hiding its obvious bias: Continue reading “Everything Turning Point USA Tells You About Cuba Is A Lie”
Cuba is Socialist – and so we will be!
Cuban ambassador to the UK, Comrade Teresita Vicente, speaks powerfully at the CPGB-ML meeting to celebrate the 99th anniversary of the Great Socialist October Revolution held in Saklatvala Hall, Southall, West London on 5th November 2016.
Her full speech is now available to view in this video. Please watch and listen carefully to her words, and share her powerful message widely. You could not find a better antidote to the US election campaign!
The meeting, and comrade Teresita’s speech was reported in the Cuban media: Continue reading “Cuba is Socialist – and so we will be!”
What is ‘affordable’ housing?
In this revealing video, Jeremy Corbyn and Sadiq Khan refuse to comment on their approval of a plan announced by Tory Lord Kerslake, and put together by Savills Estate agents and a variety of private business interests (with ‘input’ from housing charities, mind you), to “Solve London’s housing problem” by building 350,000 new homes in the capital.
Sound good? Well, the devil is in the detail! You see all of the homes will be built by private developers. Most of the land will be ‘released’ by councils, who plan to demolish libraries, community facilities – and notably inner city council estates currently housing 400,000 working-class families, which they describe as “past their use-by date.”
So this eminently capitalist ‘housing solution’ will in fact bring an overall decrease in the absolute number of homes, with a massive transfer of wealth from our councils to developers, while maintaining inflated property prices, and socially cleansing our capital city to boot. A royal flush for the developers and financiers!
No Pasaran in Wigan!
On 19 September the National Front held a demonstration in Wigan against immigration and the recent refugee crisis. Prior to this demonstration their local organiser, Daniel Lewis, called for homosexuals to be gassed in response to the Manchester gay pride festival.
The National Front was met by counter-protesters from parties such as the Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist-Leninist), Left Unity, SWP, and other organisations were present such as Hope Not Hate.
Indian Workers in Britain – 50th Anniversary of the IWA (GB)
The Indian Workers Association (Great Britain), has played a significant role in the British working class movement over the last 60 years. The Grenwich & Bexley Heath branch of the Indian Workers Association (Great Britain) held this meeting to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the founding of their branch. (1:34)
Harpal Brar, National organiser of the IWA (GB), and chairman of the CPGB-ML gives a landmark speech reflecting on the history of the IWA (GB). The organisation was able, in its time, to organise demonstrations of tens and hundreds of thousands of workers, and regularly held meetings of 4-5,00 members and supporters, throughout the country.
Continue reading “Indian Workers in Britain – 50th Anniversary of the IWA (GB)”
Korea: no game! Tensions escalate as USA and South Korea threaten war with the North
In the wake of joint military exercises (Foal Eagle and Ulchi Freedom-Guardian) staged by the United States of America and the Republic of Korea (South Korea) on the border of the DPR Korea (North Korea), clearly designed to threaten and sabotage any peace talks, the South has resumed broadcasting propaganda across the demilitarised zone.
Understandably this bizarre approach to “building trust” between the Koreas by President Park Geun-hye has not been taken lightly in the North.
South Korean demands that the DPRK disarm, anti-DPRK propaganda, and ‘defensive’ military drills with the USA (whose nearest border is some 7400km away) mirrors common tactics of provocation and psychological military operations that prelude the invasion of sovereign nations – and show who is really the aggressor in the current ‘stand-off’.
Hear Cuba Speak – August 2015
Hear the Cuban people speak: On the release of the Cuban 5; On US-Cuba relations; On Obama’s role; On the ongoing blockade and the UN General Assembly resolution against it; On the role of the capitalist media; on North Korea.
Cuba, Korea, Venezuela: Building Peace; Fighting Imperialism
Last weekend, the CPGB-ML held its 2015 summer celebration of internationalism and BBQ. THe meeting was attended by over 100 of our members and supporters, and was addressed by representatives from the Cuban, DPR Korean and Venezuelan Embassies, who brought greetings from their governments and people, and updated comrades present on the latest developments in their struggles, and the contemporary situation in their countries.
Each of these countries, stands on the front line of the anti-imperialist struggle, and delivers a message of solidarity from their anti-imperialist, progressive and socialist movements, peoples and governments.
British workers have much to learn from the workers of these countries about how to build and maintain a movement for social emancipation.
Continue reading “Cuba, Korea, Venezuela: Building Peace; Fighting Imperialism”
J. V. Stalin’s Foundations of Leninism republished and on sale for May 1st!
Having republished J. V. Stalin’s classic pamphlet Foundations of Leninism the CPGB-ML has organised a print run of The History of the CPSU(b) – Short Course. These books are now on sale via the party ebay account. Candidate and full-members of the CPGB-ML and Red Youth are requested to order their copies through where they will be due a discount. All others who wish to purchase the books may do so via ebay. Prices:
History of the CPSU(b) – £10 (£5 to members) + p&p
Foundations of Leninism – £5 (£3 to members) + p&p
Copies will also be on sale from the CPGB-ML contingent at this years May Day demonstration which assembles in Clerkenwell, London at 12noon. Check out for more details. And comrades can also pick up a copy from the party school on May 2nd in Southall.
Continue reading “J. V. Stalin’s Foundations of Leninism republished and on sale for May 1st!”