Red Youth solidarity with Venezuela

Over the May bank holiday weekend Red Youth participated in a weekend of discussion and debate on V I Lenin’s text The State and Revolution with specific reference to Venezuela and the Bolivarian revolution. We were very pleased to be joined by two comrades from Venezuela; Marcos Garcia and Helena Menendez. In total, four sessions over two days debated Lenin’s teachings on the State and the challenges facing the Venezuelan masses.

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Message from President Nicolas Maduro

On August 4 an attempt was made to assassinate the president of Venezuela Nicolas Maduro, whilst he was delivering a speech at central Bolivar Avenue in Caracas to commemorate the 81st anniversary of the Bolivarian National Guard. Fortunately, the president was unharmed during the attempt, however seven security personnel were injured. Two drones installed with explosives were utilised by the attackers and were destroyed by the military before they reached the president.

The president took to twitter and gave thanks to all those who oppose these attacks.

“I thank the peoples and governments of the world who have spoken out against the attack that aimed to end my life,”

We at Red youth and CPGB-ML reaffirm our solidarity with the Venezuelan people and the Bolivarian revolution.

We reproduce in full for our readers the response of president Nicolas Maduro to this assassination attempt.

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Maduro “ready to radicalise the revolution”

While the corrupt and reactionary agents of the bourgeoisie in Brazil have suspended democratically elected Dilma Rousseff’s presidential powers (Attempted Coup in Brazil – Proletarian), leaving the traitorous Temer holding the reins, the class struggle in Venezula intensifies.

Venezuela has suffered at the hands of the national and international bourgeoise and compradors who have conspired to sabotage the gains made by Chavez, Maduro, and the PSUV. Hoarding basic goods such as toilet roll and food, economic and infrastructural sabotage, capital flight, and more recently assassinations, combined with the drop in oil revenues, are just some of the tactics employed to undermine the popular democractic efforts to socialize Venezuela.

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