CPGB-ML discuss North Korea with George Galloway on Russia Today’s ‘Sputnik’ TV Show

Keith Bennett of the CPGB-ML talks to George Galloway, on his Russia Today current affairs program ‘Sputnik’, about the latest developments in North Korea.

They discuss Kim Jong Un (5:13), the death penalty (3:35) and the execution of his ‘uncle’, General Jang Song Thaek (2.09), on charges of corruption and treason (4:32), his friendship with Dennis Rodman (5:58), and US imperialism’s hypocritical condemnation of these events (4:00), which should be viewed as another opportunistic, but integral part of imperialism’s ongoing media, diplomatic, and military aggression against the tiny, but defiant, Democratic People’s Republic of (North) Korea.

Keith refers, in passing to many aspects of contemporary Korean politics, as well as the path that has led them to this point, including Dennis Rodman’s visit to the DPRK (5:58), his – and the wider african-american community’s – friendly attitude towards the North Korean people, the Black Panther Party (7:12) in the USA, the role of SPORT in breaking down artificially erected political barriers (7:25), including the 1966 world cup, and the friendship struck up between the North Korean football team and the people of Middlesborough, in particular (7:55) that persists until this day.

The DPRK, like all other socialist governments and republics, puts tremendous emphasis on providing high levels of social provision, including free education to university level, and universal health care to its people (9:22). These are the reasons that finance capital so despises the government, system and people of the north of Korea.

Find out more – objective information – about the DPRK. Korea is one!

DPR Korea – US Nuclear War Threat: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A3CLgEkAa-g
Hands off the DPRK! No to US Nuclear Blackmail!: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5v59gOKwKOo
DPR Korea Ambassador Q&A: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zq_kTrbtQpo
DPRK Embassy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ZeAd5oFomM
North Korea – Reality check!: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KCIoYNYNIj4
Kim Jong Il Memorial: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pcCh-r9nG5Q
Jong Il: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9b95smc6_aw
Juche: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SOwgCPMZ3iI
Cuba and Korea: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SrY83sD1d9s
Join the struggle! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hwgDekJTVvc

Statement – US Stoking flames of war in Korea


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CPGB-ML discuss North Korea with George Galloway on Russia Today's 'Sputnik' TV Show

Keith Bennett of the CPGB-ML talks to George Galloway, on his Russia Today current affairs program ‘Sputnik’, about the latest developments in North Korea.

They discuss Kim Jong Un (5:13), the death penalty (3:35) and the execution of his ‘uncle’, General Jang Song Thaek (2.09), on charges of corruption and treason (4:32), his friendship with Dennis Rodman (5:58), and US imperialism’s hypocritical condemnation of these events (4:00), which should be viewed as another opportunistic, but integral part of imperialism’s ongoing media, diplomatic, and military aggression against the tiny, but defiant, Democratic People’s Republic of (North) Korea.

Keith refers, in passing to many aspects of contemporary Korean politics, as well as the path that has led them to this point, including Dennis Rodman’s visit to the DPRK (5:58), his – and the wider african-american community’s – friendly attitude towards the North Korean people, the Black Panther Party (7:12) in the USA, the role of SPORT in breaking down artificially erected political barriers (7:25), including the 1966 world cup, and the friendship struck up between the North Korean football team and the people of Middlesborough, in particular (7:55) that persists until this day.

The DPRK, like all other socialist governments and republics, puts tremendous emphasis on providing high levels of social provision, including free education to university level, and universal health care to its people (9:22). These are the reasons that finance capital so despises the government, system and people of the north of Korea.

Find out more – objective information – about the DPRK. Korea is one!

DPR Korea – US Nuclear War Threat: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A3CLgEkAa-g
Hands off the DPRK! No to US Nuclear Blackmail!: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5v59gOKwKOo
DPR Korea Ambassador Q&A: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zq_kTrbtQpo
DPRK Embassy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ZeAd5oFomM
North Korea – Reality check!: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KCIoYNYNIj4
Kim Jong Il Memorial: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pcCh-r9nG5Q
Jong Il: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9b95smc6_aw
Juche: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SOwgCPMZ3iI
Cuba and Korea: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SrY83sD1d9s
Join the struggle! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hwgDekJTVvc

Statement – US Stoking flames of war in Korea


Each on teach one!
subscribe: http://www.cpgb-ml.org/docs/ProlSubs.pdf

Red Youth Education Program: Each one teach one!
ABC’s of Communism

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PAIGC on Libya – All Africa will suffer from NATO's colonial and genocidal war!

Legendary Marxist-Leninist Liberation fighter, pan-Africanist and anti-imperialist Amilcar Cabral had the following to say on the nature of our fight against imperialism:

“I should just like to make one last point about solidarity between the international working class movement and our national liberation struggle. There are two alternatives: either we admit that there really is a struggle against imperialism which interests everybody, or we deny it. If, as would seem from all the evidence, imperialism exists and is trying simultaneously to dominate the working class in all the advanced countries and smother the national liberation movements in all the underdeveloped countries, then there is only one enemy against whom we are fighting. If we are fighting together, then I think the main aspect of our solidarity is extremely simple: it is to fight.”

Cabral died just 9 months before the party he founded – the PAIGC – liberated his homeland, Guinea Bissau and Cape Verde, from 500 years of Portugese Colonialism, bringing the downfall of the Potugese fascist junta in its wake.

He and his comrades from the PAIGC also played a vital part in the liberation of other (Particularly, but not exclusively, Portugese speaking) African nations. He was a founding member of MPLA (Angola) and the Portugese Communist Party, inter alia.

Comrade Teodora Ignacia Gomez, Womens’ activist, liberation fighter and comrade in arms of Cabral, features in this video interview, which is an exert from a longer interview she granted to comrades of the CPGB-ML on her recent visit to London.

She outlines the supportive relationship that Colonel Gaddafi’s Libya had fostered with Guinea Bissau, as so many other African Nations. Libya had tried to bring about sustainable infrastructural and agricultural development in Guinea Bissau, she tells us, both through the African Bank and independently granted aid.

As a result of NATOs genocidal war on Libya, and the illegal ousting of her legitimate government – and now Gaddafi’s cowardly and brutal assassination, which foul deed took place 24 hrs after this interview – the people of Guinea Bissau and all Africa will suffer, she says.