Maduro “ready to radicalise the revolution”

While the corrupt and reactionary agents of the bourgeoisie in Brazil have suspended democratically elected Dilma Rousseff’s presidential powers (Attempted Coup in Brazil – Proletarian), leaving the traitorous Temer holding the reins, the class struggle in Venezula intensifies.

Venezuela has suffered at the hands of the national and international bourgeoise and compradors who have conspired to sabotage the gains made by Chavez, Maduro, and the PSUV. Hoarding basic goods such as toilet roll and food, economic and infrastructural sabotage, capital flight, and more recently assassinations, combined with the drop in oil revenues, are just some of the tactics employed to undermine the popular democractic efforts to socialize Venezuela.

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Venezuela chooses to Resist! US increases economic and political attacks in run up to Elections

Helena Menéndez, press secretary of the Venezuelan Embassy, delivers a message to Progressive British workers at CPGB-ML’s international BBQ, held at Saklatvala Hall in Southall, west London, on Saturday 25 July.

She outlines the history of the last 15 years of struggle in Venezuela, who’s basic meaning has been to use the vast wealth of Venezuela to improve the lives of the Venezuelan people.

mision milagro

This is precisely why the progressive Venezuelan government has fallen foul of US imperialism, who’s former president James Monroe openly declared his doctrine that European powers had no business in the Americas – for they were now the colonial possession of the USA. For almost 200 years this ‘principle’ has guided US policy, being re-asserted by the entire US establishment, including presidents Ulysses S. Grant, Theodore Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy, and Ronald Reagan.


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Cuba, Korea, Venezuela: Building Peace; Fighting Imperialism

Last weekend, the CPGB-ML held its 2015 summer celebration of internationalism and BBQ. THe meeting was attended by over 100 of our members and supporters, and was addressed by representatives from the Cuban, DPR Korean and Venezuelan Embassies, who brought greetings from their governments and people, and updated comrades present on the latest developments in their struggles, and the contemporary situation in their countries.

Each of these countries, stands on the front line of the anti-imperialist struggle, and delivers a message of solidarity from their anti-imperialist, progressive and socialist movements, peoples and governments.

British workers have much to learn from the workers of these countries about how to build and maintain a movement for social emancipation.

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