Red Youth sends comradely regards to COMAC & the Workers Party of Belgium (PTB) for their successes in recent elections. In a statement the PTB-PVDA said,
“After a phenomenal and social campaign, the Belgian Workers’ Party (PTB-PVDA) has confirmed its progress throughout the country, with results ranging from 6.6% in Flanders to over 12% in Brussels and 13.5% in Wallonia. The genuine left thus sends 12 members to the federal parliament, 1 member to the European Parliament, 11 members to the Brussels Parliament, 4 members to the Flemish Parliament and 10 members to the Walloon Parliament. In addition, the PTB will have 4 senators. The number of PTB parliamentarians therefore increases from 8 to 42. At the national level, the PTB has become the 5th largest party among the 12 parties with elected representatives.”
Red Youth salutes all the young cadres and activists of the PTB who contributed towards an excellent result in these elections.