Glasgow and Birmingham meetings remember socialist victory over fascism

As part of the ongoing work this year to mark the 70th anniversary of the victory over fascism, the CPGB-ML and Red Youth organised two well attended party functions in Glasgow and Birmingham at which Party Chairman Harpal Brar gave his presentation on the subject. Both functions were chaired by young cadres of the Party.

Glasgow Communist Party
Drew introduces Harpal in Glasgow
Birmingham CPGB-ML
Austin speaks for Red Youth in Birmingham

Much is written and spoken about WW1 and WW2 – yet it is truly staggering how few people, and particularly how few British workers, really understand the causes and significance of this struggle, in which 60 million workers gave their lives.

The imperialists (Britain, France, USA, Germany, Japan…) fought, and many millions died to preserve and enforce the wage and colonial slavery of the capitalist class. They fought for slaves and booty and nothing more.

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7th Congress of the CPGB-ML a great success

The 7th Congress of the Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist-Leninist) was held over two days, 8-9 November in London. The Congress marked the occasion of the 97th Anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution with a public celebration in the evening which was addressed by the Ambassador of the DPR Korea, comrade Hyon Hak Bong, and comrade Jorge Luis Garcia from the Cuban Embassy. Joti Brar from the Proletarian editorial board spoke first and the evening finished with a rousing speech from comrade Harpal Brar.

The 7th Congress received the reports of the various party committee’s and discussed a number of significant issue’s such as rising nationalism, deepening crisis and the class composition of British society in the 21st century. Congress also endorsed a number of documents which will be made public in due course, and announced the publication of a new book on the history of the first imperialist World War. Congress noted the continuing growth and development of our party nationally, pledged to continue to support and promote our youth and cadres in their ongoing ideological development, and recognised the leading role young communists play in the leadership of our Party.

The 7th Congress was attended by many working class red youth’s, all of whom are active members of the party and youth section and many of which lead our party branches and organisations in their various cities and regions. All the comrades demonstrated their commitment to the Party, their class and the ideology of Marxism Leninism.

Here’s some photo’s for those comrades who were unable to attend (we missed you greatly) taken during the speeches, contributions and discussion and a couple from the evening celebration. Red Youth has pledged to continue the work in the regions, to build up the party branches and ensure we are able to hold even more Marxist Leninist educational classes, discussion groups, public meetings and events in all corners of Britain in 2015!

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Save Lewisham Hospital – Save the NHS!


Sadly, Medical leadership as it stands cannot be relied upon to lead the campaign to defend workers health interests. (I have lost count of the times I’ve been told by consultants that they have BUPA care.)

Only strong pressure from the organised working class can play this role. I hope this campaign will seek to embrace the broadest sections of the community possible. It is the only way to save Lewisham Hospital – and the NHS.

This article from a delegate to the 2010 Association of Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland, makes it clear that any and all of the main political parties have a clear agenda to slash health spending by just these kind of measures: create an environment of impossible financial constraint (job done); claim hospitals are ‘financially failing’ (almost finished); and sack workers, close / privatise services (in progress), and ultimately leave us with only skeleton provision (now a matter of time – unless…)

Lalkar article from a delegate at the 2010 congress of the Association of Surgeons of Greaet Britain and Ireland – just before the General Election that brought the Con-Dem coalition in:

What sounded like scaremongering a decade ago – although the privatisation of hospital cleaners, the Hillingdon cleaners’ strike, etc. was in retrospect a clear chance to act that was ignored by most of us – is now almost a fait accomplis.

At what point do the BMJ, RCN, etc., decide it is our ethical duty to protect the lives of patients by protecting service provision – just as it is our duty to practise safe prescribing, or learn some relevant anatomy before performing an operation?

Our political ‘leaders’ have no such scruple. This is a time when the common sense and common decency of patients, workers and the local community must take the lead.

Show your support for the hardworking staff of Lewisham Hospital, and the support they give the hardworking, people of Lewisham, already struggling under the burden of the financial crisis: Join the Demo on 26 Jan

Read the CPGB-ML Leaflet – how can we save the NHS?

Malcolm X remembered in Smethwick

Back in 1965, a matter of days before his murder, Malcolm X visited Smethwick in the West Midlands and toured the area alongside local marxist leninists. A number of comrades had been instrumental in organising the visit, but one individual prominent among them was the legendary Jagmohan Joshi, leader of the Indian Workers Association (GB) and Lalkar correspondent. On his trip to Smethwick Malcolm X was taken to areas where local Conservative Party members were urging the council to buy up empty housing stock and allocate the homes to ‘whites only’.

The IWA led by comrade Joshi organised a tremendous campaign against this racist provocation and victory was eventually secured. Sadly, comrade Joshi passed away some time ago – but some of those he taught and struggled alongside remain active in the ranks of the Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist – Leninist) and were in Smethwick on Tuesday morning to witness the unveiling of a commemorative plaque to Malcolm X in Marshall Street. The plaque is more than a tribute to a great fighter for civil rights, it also stands as testimony to the work of many anti-racists and anti-imperialists who’ve lived and worked in Birmingham and the surrounding areas, notably Joshi, his comrades, and the the IWA(GB).

L to R Jak Beula, Harbhajan Dardi and Beenie Brown: Malcom X, Marshall Street, Smethwick, Blue Plaque unveiling.Nubian Jak Community Trust; IWA; Indian Workers Association

Photos courtesy of Stalingrad O’Neill